Sunday, July 29, 2007

Where Do They Get Their Money?

A recent post on Wizbang discussed some activists from New Jersey who, while plying their trade in Vermont, were encouraged by the local constabulary to modify their actions through the use of a taser. Not knowing all the facts, I will refrain from commenting on the appropriateness of law enforcement's practices. Instead, the event raises another question about which I have long wondered: Where do these professional s*** disturbers get their funding?

According to the Boston Globe, the two 32-year-old protesters were unemployed. Yet somehow they managed to travel from their homes in New Jersey to the far reaches of New Hampshire, (presumably eating along the way), obtain flowers and herbs, chains, locks, cement, and a barrel. Granted, it probably didn't cost much, but it wasn't free either - a couple hundred bucks maybe? At least one of the protesters has made a career of this kind of thing. Where do they live between gigs? Probably the answer for some is "their parent's basement," but what about the others?

The same question applies to the "spontaneous" protests at the G8, WTO, Republican Convention, or just about anyplace else where responsible adults gather. I've visited some of these places. Just getting a cup of coffee costs $2 (or more). That has to be a challenge for some of the bums in the crowd (though they appear to economize on bath soap).

Who is funding these people and for what purpose? They can't all be living off of trust funds. The MSM is strangely uncurious. Sounds like a job for the blogosphere.


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